It is not readily apparent but you can grab the sides and corners to enlarge the view. This preview window by default is a bit small but since 2013, Adobe added the ability to enlarge the entire Image Size dialogue box. I highly recommend leaving this setting at 100% as it will provide the most accurate preview of the image quality after the resize is completed. This view will update as one changes the parameters of the resize action to be performed. Starting at the left we have the preview window which by default shows a 100% view of the image being resized. It can be called by going to the Image > Image Size item in the main menu or by pressing Control+ALT+I in Windows or CMD+ALT+I on Mac. In Figure 1 we see the Image resize dialogue box as it normally appears in Photoshop. Let’s take a tour of the settings and options starting with the preview window. The Image Size dialogue box (Figure 1) looks pretty simple but there’s a bit more here than meets the eye. Now let’s do a deeper dive into the options available when resizing any image.

Choose a Resample method, or uncheck the option to change image size without changing total number of pixels.Change the Resolution value and unit of measurement if desired.